Monday, December 28, 2009

Reason_____silent reader

I create my blog after I had view my favourite blogger. He said he decided to quit his blog after his upcoming post. Oh My God ! What's in his mind ? I like and love to view his post. But he said he feel silent and bored in his blog. He hated all "silent readers". ( I think I am the one, perhaps he does not know me.. haha ). He is welcoming and asked others post some comment in his posts. ( wow~ what a weird man.. haha. I am not a blogger, so i can't post any comments in his post. sorry.. ) Now, I have create a blog, at least it made me more easier to connect with him. Hope "you" won't quit your blog, keep going in, pal.

How about "silent reader" ? "Silent reader"? I think I can guess the meaning roughly. In my opinion, it means the others readers ( unknown ? ) who always read someone post occasionally without left any comments and connect with the blogger. I don't know whether this had become a truth which had to face by every blogger? Please imagine how about your blog as you post everythings up there and there aren't comment on ur post eventhough your friends ? Will it bored ? I think yes. ( I agree with you, pal )

* This is my second post. I had written this after a few minutes a wrote my first post. I have written 2 posts within 3 hours. why ? because I was bored. T.T it's raining outside. It made me "store" at home. AND another thing, I write this post for TWICE. Accually, at first this post I had written and save in my microsoft word'07 then after that I copy it in my blog space. The format WASN'T ACCEPT by the blog ( something wrong with the HTML format ). So, I had typ for second times with the same post. haiz......It was a lesson for me. I won't repeat the same mistake anymore. Wasting my time. *

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