Monday, December 28, 2009

blog ?? blogger ? "bravo-lima-oscar-golf"

Blog ? B-bravo; L-lima; O-oscar; G- golf ( bravo-lima-oscar-golf ) ? It's not strange around us. Many people are using it even through our prime minister was using it for political. Blog ? What for ? Is it free ? must be free of political and sensitive issue ? I though it was just like a board and draw anything up there whatever you like. Absolutely no. I had got to see my friends' blogs. I think it was beter than facebook because blog provide more spaces for us to upload photos and posts but it also has some disavantages. It's almost at the end of the year 2009. Do you want to know the reasons I create a blog ? I have got many reasons. One of them is because I was bored during my school holidays. haha... Although after a week again, our long holiday will ended.
As conclusion, I am just owning a blog. I was a new guest in blogspot. Hope to see you all.

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