Thursday, February 25, 2010

I was very surprised!

An incident was surprising us. Not only me but my friends also. One of our all friend, XXX has past away. OMG !!! Although there was a report in newspaper in last week, just a few days after CNY! I have got to see the report in newspaper but I do not know whose the victim was. He was involved in an car accident. His motorbike was crashed with a car. A few days ago, I was informed by one of my friend, said he had "gone". I totally surprising. I wouldn't know about this incident since the news don't mention the name of the victim. He was our friend since primary school. But after I get in secondary school, I seldom saw him because we are not at the same class. God bless.
Lesson learned. "Menghargai" our friends. Be careful on road.

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